The Egyptian Attire – Seeds Of Destiny, Today, 17th March 2023 By Pastor Paul Enenche
Topic: The Egyptian Attire
SCRIPTURE: And they said, An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds, and also drew water enough for us, and watered the flock. Exodus 2:19
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: There is a dressing style befitting for Christians and a dressing style peculiar to the people of the world.
In Exodus Chapter Two, we see how seven daughters of Reuel, the priest of Midian, went out to draw water for their father’s flock, and were assaulted by a group of shepherds. Moses then came and defended them against the shepherds, and also helped water their flock.
When they returned home earlier than expected, their father asked them, “How is it that ye are come so soon today?”
Then referring to Moses, they said, “An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds, and also drew water enough for us, and watered the flock”
The question is: Was Moses an Egyptian? No! But he was misunderstood for an Egyptian because of the way he appeared. He grew up in Egypt and must have worn Egyptian attire that made him look like an Egyptian.
At that time, there seemed to be a dressing style peculiar to the Jews and a dressing style peculiar to the Egyptians.
In the same manner, there is a dressing style befitting for Christians and a dressing style peculiar to the people of the world.
The fashion of our generation, which is sponsored by the demonic spirit of this age, is targeted towards leading people into eternal damnation.
In the village, if a lady is seductively dressed, people would call her a prostitute. When she passes, people can even boo her and scream at her, “Come and see this prostitute.”
You see, the way some people appear when they come to church, if it were on the village streets, people would call them prostitutes. They may not necessarily care about knowing where the seductively dressed lady was going before calling her a prostitute. Even if she was carrying a Bible and going to church, they would still call her a prostitute because of her dressing.
Beloved, refuse to be given a wrong identity by the way you dress.
Remember this: There is a dressing style befitting for Christians and a dressing style peculiar to the people of the world.
1. Do not impose a wrong identity on yourself by the way you dress.
2. Dress with dignity, decorum and decency.
PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from the temptation of indecent and immodest dressing. Help me not to misrepresent You by the way I dress, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
QUOTE: Through your appearance, something can be cited about your life that can affect your identity, dignity, authority, prosperity, mentality, beauty as well as your opportunities in the realm of the spirit. Culled from “WHO ARE YOU?” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: 2 Kings 7-9
AMAZING FACT: Every second, there are 100,000 chemical reactions happening in the human brain.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Grace to represent God well to your generation is released for you in Jesus’ Name.