Loving Despite Hindrances – Seeds Of Destiny Devotional, 23rd March 2022
TOPIC: Loving Despite Hindrances (Seeds Of Destiny 23 March 2022)
SCRIPTURE: And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:9-10
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: When you live beyond yourself, you live beyond your size.
The love life is highly rewarding but absolutely challenging and completely demanding. For instance, we live in a world that is overrun by the plague of ingratitude (2 Timothy 3:1-2). So, you see people that you loved and assisted in the past but now behave towards you as if you did nothing good for them.
We live in a world filled with people who actually reward good with evil. You raise people, and they try to erase you (Genesis 13:2-8).
Another hindrance to love life is personal challenges and confrontations of life. This is when someone feels so confronted and challenged that he decides to face himself squarely to the exclusion of others.
Now, how can you walk in love?
Realise that for every ungrateful person, there is a grateful person waiting to be helped (Ruth 1:14).
Realise that the gain of loving and giving is more for the giver than the receiver (Acts 20:35).
Realise that the gains of loving and giving transcend time into eternity (Matthew 25:34-46).
Realise that a life centred on self is a life settled for small both in this world and in the world to come. When you live beyond yourself, you live beyond your size (John 12:23-24).
Realise that the needs you meet in the lives of others will determine the needs God will meet in your life because life is a seed (Galatians 6:7). When you look away from your needs to the needs of others, God will look away from others to you (Job 42:10).
Remember this: When you live beyond yourself, you live beyond your size.
Do not watch people around you suffer and do nothing about it.
Within your capacity, reach out to someone in need today.
Forgive those who repaid you evil for the good you did for them.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to love unconditionally like You. Use me to mend broken hearts and put smiles on the faces of Your people, Lord in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY BIBLE READING: 2 Kings 25-1; Chronicles 2.
QUOTE: When you live for yourself, you live like a slave; but when you live beyond yourself, you live beyond your time. Culled from “30 SECRETS TO THE TOP” by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Light from the Sun takes eight minutes to reach Earth.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: As the Love of God explodes in your heart in this season, may God do for you what you cannot do for yourself in Jesus’ Name.