Learning & Loving – Our Daily Bread ODB Devotional, 18th September 2022
Topic: Learning and Loving
Bible in a Year:
2 Corinthians 11:1–15
He took the children in his arms . . . and blessed them.
Mark 10:16
Today’s Scripture & Insight:
Mark 10:13–16
At a primary school in Greenock, Scotland, three teachers on maternity leave brought their babies to school every two weeks to interact with schoolchildren. Playtime with babies teaches children empathy, or care and feeling for others. Often, the most receptive are the students who are “a little challenging,” as one teacher put it. “It’s often [schoolchildren] who interact more on a one-to-one level.” They learn “how much hard work it is to take care of a child,” and “more about each other’s feelings as well.”
Learning from an infant to care about others isn’t a new idea to believers in Jesus. We know the One who came as the baby Jesus. His birth changed everything we understand about caring relationships. The first to learn of Christ’s birth were shepherds, a humble profession involving care of weak and vulnerable sheep. Later, when children were brought to Jesus, He corrected disciples who thought children unworthy. “Let the little children come to me,” he said, “and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14).
Jesus “took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them” (v. 16). In our own lives, as His sometimes “challenging” children, we could be considered unworthy too. Instead, as the One who came as a child, Christ accepts us with His love—thereby teaching us the caring power of loving babies and all people.
By Patricia Raybon
Reflect & Pray
What do you enjoy about spending time with children? What is Jesus teaching you today about how to love and care for others?
Our caring God, when I forget to show empathy for others, help me to care as You would.