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Dwell In Peace – Joyce Meyer Devotional, 25th August 2022

Dwell In Peace – Joyce Meyer Devotional, 25th August 2022

Dwell In Peace - Joyce Meyer Devotional, 25th August 2022

In our strife-torn world, do you ever long for a few peaceful moments? That is what God wants for you. He instructs you in His Word to live in unity and harmony and to pursue peace.

Why then is it so difficult to get through a day without being invaded by the spirit of strife? Satan works through the weaknesses in your flesh to keep the atmosphere in your life and the attitudes of your heart in continual turmoil. He seeks to draw you away from peace and into strife, which brings devastation and destruction.

But God’s power is greater than the devil’s power, and when you come against strife in the name of Jesus you render it powerless to rob you of the peace and joy that is your divine inheritance. Take a few moments in the quiet of this evening to enjoy the wonderful peace and presence of God.


Prayer Starter: Father, I come against strife in the name of Jesus. Help me walk in the peace and joy that is my inheritance from You, amen.

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Joyce Meyer Devotional is written by Joyce Meyer of Joyce Meyer Ministeries. Joyce Meyer is an American Televangelist, Author and Charistmatic Preacher. Pauline Joyce Meyer and her husband Dave are married with four grown up children.

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