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Different Levels Of Faith Exercised In Matthew 8, & Enjoying Blessings Of The Faith Of Others

In Matthew Chapter 8, different levels of faith were exercised by the people who tasted of the healing power of God. The leper came, counting on the will of God. Since the will of God for His people is always what’s best for us, he was healed as Jesus said, ‘I will’; be thou clean’.

The centurion came beseeching Jesus. To beseech means to beg, implore, request or beg for. For him to request for, implies that he already has a conviction of the will of God for him on that matter.

And he got what he asked for as it is written, “ask and it shall be given unto you” (Matthew 7:7). Going further, Jesus went into Peter’s house and found Peter’s mother in-law laid, sick of fever. He touched her hand and she was healed. It was not recorded that she made any request of the Lord.

That may be due to a number of reasons. Maybe she couldn’t because she was very sick, maybe she didn’t realize that Jesus was around; maybe she didn’t know who Jesus was, and so on and so forth. But what I want to draw your attention to, is the fact that, she was healed by the grace and mercy of God and the faith of others.


If Jesus had not stepped into Peter’s house at that very hour, do you think she would have been healed in that moment?

There are certain favours, and benefits you may be enjoying today that connected in some ways to the faith and labour of others. They may be people who you share relationship with in some ways. While you are not praying, you are still enjoying the results of their prayers.

There are some battles that have been fought on your behalf while some people stood in the gap that you may not be aware of.

As Christians, we are enjoying some benefits today because of the faith of our fathers.


The faith of people like Abraham still speaks for us, his adopted children by faith even today. When you look at your life and see the mercy and grace of God, thank God for them and bless Him for the people He has positioned to stand in the gap for you.

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